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Which is the best German Shepherd?

German Shepherd Dog

Pic by SasaFoxWalters

German shepherds have many breeds that confuse someone new to the dog world to know which type is best.

Primarily, German shepherds were bred in Germany by Max von Stephanitz, when he saw an intelligent and courageous dog named Hektor Linksrhein in a dog show. He was so fascinated by the qualities of this dog that he decided to breed and gave them the name German Shepherd.

His priority was to breed GSD with identical traits to his parents. He must be a working dog with a strong and masculine body. They were without angulation and had more energy.

However, when their fame went outside of Germany, their inhabitants preferred to breed them in their own ways.

Based on all the breeds available, let’s know which type is best for a specific task.


Different Types of GSDs:

Work line dogs:

These dogs are mainly used to work in police, military, and search and rescue operations. They are very sharp and are more energy-driven dogs. They may not look as charismatic as show dogs GSD but they remain healthier than their other types.

They have a medium coat, dark color, and are more aggressive than pet dog German shepherds, making them ideal for services only. They shouldn’t be around kids due to their nature.

They need more land to utilize their endless energy, if you live in a city, then this dog is not for you. They can’t be kept well in small buildings.

Additionally, they have different breeds in West and East Germany. They are without angulation, which means they have a straight back. It makes their chances of getting hip and elbow dysplasia less. These kinds of breeds are not suitable for keeping as pets with your family because they are made mainly for work line.

West German work line GSD is also known as American line GSD.

One of the working GSD dogs also comes from the Czech Republic, known best for its originality, briskness, and intelligence.

Work line GSD has more stamina, however, they lack the beauty standard for which GSD is known.


Show line German Shepherd:

Showline German shepherds are known for their long coats and masculine physique to participate in dog shows. They are larger than the work line GSD, but they have angulation. Their back is not straight but more like a curve, which causes them hip dysplasia, so this line is not for work and service. They are best for dog shows or as guard dogs for your family.

They need less intense exercise than working dogs.

They have two types;

  • American show line GSD
  • European / West show line GSD

American show line GSD is tall and slim, while European show line GSD is short and has a stocky figure.

They have colors in tan with black and red, pure black is also common, but white GSD doesn’t count in show line DSG and ultimately got rejected in dog show competitions.

The show line breed is an ideal companion for your family due to their friendly nature, loyalty, and affection.

Unfortunately, you can’t learn everything about GSD in a single post. You can’t get tired of reading about them, can you? To learn more, wait for my next blog to explore more.


Want to know Important Facts about German Shepherd Dogs? Click here.

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As a cherished voice on BlogPawz, Asif shares invaluable insights, tips, and tales, weaving together a community united by their love for our four-legged companions. Join Asif in celebrating the bond between humans and pets, one story at a time.

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