In this article, you will learn the facts about your German Shepherd dog. After reading this article you will have enough knowledge about your pet. German Shepherd is regarded as a dog kind’s optimum multipurpose worker. German Shepherds are a German breed and are considered as working dogs of medium to large size. These dogs are used for different purposes like disability assistance, search and rescue, police work, and welfare. Other names for German Shepard are “Alsatian, Alsatian Wolf Dog, Deutscher Schäferhund, Altdeutsche Schäferhunde”. Black German Shepherds are the most popular breed among other breeds. German Shepherd’s price varies from state to state and breed.
Height: German Shepherd has an overall height of 26.5″- 31″.
Weight: The average weight of a German Shepherd is between 50-90 lbs.
Strength: The strength of dogs is measured in terms of bite strength. The bite force of a German Shepherd is 238 psi.
Food: German Shepherds should take protein-rich food like meat or chicken.
Breed Group: Herding Group
Coat Colours: The most common coat colors of German Shepherds are black and tan, black and cream, and black and red.
Temperament: German Shepherds are smart, bold, watchful, daring, faithful, and caring, which makes them perfect for training for police assistance.
Training: While training your pet use a strong voice in the correct tone and volume. It pays attention to your tone of voice rather than your given command.
Lifespan: The average life span of a German Shepherd is around 7-13 years.
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German Shepherd with proper training is a very gentle pet and is the protector of the family. It is a family dog if it is properly trained. If you have a German Shepherd as a pet, you have to give him time and care from the very first day. It can become nervous or even violent if not properly trained.
Taking care of German Shepherd dog:
To take care of your pet, you should watch his diet. Your pet should get plenty of exercise. Take care of his dental health. Brush his hair regularly. Take your pet to the doctor regularly for checkups and vaccinations. Clean his ear regularly. Exercise your pet regularly but don’t overdo it.
FAQs related to German Shepherd dog:
Is a German Shepherd a good house dog?
Yes, German Shepherds are good house dogs as they are gentle with kids and other family members and they are also protective of them.
Is a German Shepherd a high-maintenance dog?
Yes, German Shepherds are high-maintenance dogs and they need constant exercise and care. You need to spend a lot of time and money on them to train them.
Are German Shepherds easy to take care of?
It’s not easy to take care of German Shepherds. They are like your own kids and they need your time and attention like your kid.
Are German Shepherds healthy dogs?
Yes, most German Shepherds are healthy dogs but very few dogs will have some health issues.