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A Purrfect Blend of Genetics and Personality: American Curl Cat


The American Curl cat is a comparatively new breed that was first discovered in 1981 in Lakewood, California. A stray cat with unique curled ears was found by a couple named Joe and Grace Ruga, who named her Shulamith. They took her in and started breeding her with other cats to produce the American Curl breed. The American Curl cat was formally acknowledged by the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) in 1986 and has since become a widespread breed in the United States and around the world.


Pic Credit: Pixabay


  1. The average height of these cats is around 9 to 12 inches.
  2. The moderate weight of this breed is around 5 to 10 pounds.
  3. These cats have weak bite force. It is less than 10 psi.
  4. Most first-class foods have sufficient nutrients for your American Curl. Make sure they’re eating only the quantity they need.
  5. The American Curl belongs to the “Foreign” breed group according to some cat offices like The International Cat Association (TICA).
  6. The American Curl’s coat can be brown, white, black, blue, red, cream, chocolate, lilac, silver or golden
  7. With her exceptional temperament, the Curl makes a loving soulmate and easily adjusts to other pets and children.
  8. These cats are easy to train as they are very intelligent cats.
  9. The average life span of American curls is around 12 to 16 years.

American curl cat


How to take care of your pet?

Caring for American Curl Cats involves these things to ensure their overall well-being and health.

Proper Nutrition: A balanced diet with the right amount of nutrients is necessary for these cats.

Regular Exercise: Regular exercise is necessary for these cats, but don’t overdo your cats with exercise.

Training and Socialization: These cats are brilliant and easy to train, but you must treat them gently.

Regular Veterinary Care: These cats don’t need extensive health care, but do visit the vet after some time for regular checkups.



Provide Mental Stimulation: Some great ways to stimulate your cat can include teaching tricks and playing puzzle-type games.

Love and Attention: These cats are playful and curious. They love to get attention from their owners.



The American Curl cat is a unique breed known for its exceptionally curled ears, which elegantly curve backward. Originating in California in the 1980s, this attractive cat is appreciated for its loving nature, playful conduct, and outstanding appearance. With a diverse coat range and communicative eyes, it attracts cat lovers worldwide.



Are American Curl Cats rare?

American Curls are rare. This breed is not widely bred, and it hasn’t been around for long.

What are American Curl personalities?

These cats are very clever, playful, and curious, and they form resilient attachments to their owners.

Are American Curl Cats healthy?

American Curls are usually healthy and aren’t inclined to any specific genetic disorders.

How much is the American Curl worth?

It is expensive to buy these cats from a breeder and could cost you $1,200-$3,000.


If you want to know about Burmese cat, then click here. 

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As a cherished voice on BlogPawz, Asif shares invaluable insights, tips, and tales, weaving together a community united by their love for our four-legged companions. Join Asif in celebrating the bond between humans and pets, one story at a time.

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