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A Closer Look at Burmese Cat Breed: Traits and Facts


Burmese cat is known as a domestic cat, apparently of Asian origin. It has a small, rounded head and wide-set, round, yellow or golden eyes. They have short, finely textured, and glossy coat that darkens from a milk-chocolate color in the kitten to a rich sable brown in the adult.

burmese cat

Photo Credits: Svetlana_Yatsyuk



  1. The normal height of this cat is around 9 to 13 inches.
  2. The usual weight of this breed is around 8 to 15 pounds.
  3. Burmese cat’s bite force is very low. It’s around 10 to 15 psi.
  4. Their diet should be complete and balanced. It should include all nutrients for the better health of your pet.
  5. Burmese are categorized as a “Foreign” or “Oriental” Breed Group.
  6. A Burmese cat’s four common coat colors are sable (dark brown), platinum, blue, and champagne.
  7. These cats are known for their loving and sociable temperaments.
  8. Your pet can easily be trained as they are very intelligent and they respond well to commands.
  9. The average life span of these cats is around 10 to 17 years.

Red burmese cat

Pic Credits: Jehandmade


How to take care of your pet?

Caring for Burmese cats involves keeping in mind aspects to ensure their overall well-being and health.

Proper Nutrition: Their diet should have the right amount of all nutrients, but as these cats are carnivores they must eat meat daily.

Regular Exercise: The Burmese cats need regular exercise with a lot of mental stimulation through play and mixing with people.

Training and Socialization: Burmese cats are clever, lively, and playful, so they’re fairly easy to train. You can use positive reinforcement to train them.

Regular Veterinary Care: They should have regular vet checkups for their good health.

Grooming: These cats are low-maintenance cats. They don’t need regular hair and nail grooming.

Provide Mental Stimulation: These cats need everyday exercise with plenty of mental stimulation through play.

Love and Attention: These cats need a lot of attention and love from their owners. They are extremely loyal to their owners.


In conclusion, the Burmese cat makes a faithful and attractive companion. With their loving nature, they create thoughtful bonds with their loved ones, carrying joy and liveliness to any household. Providing a nurturing atmosphere for a Burmese cat is paramount for their growth. Regular communication, enhanced diet, and health checks are vital for their happiness.



Is a Burmese cat a good pet?

Apart from their extraordinary looks, the Burmese cat is approachable and social, as well as extremely clever so if you’re looking for a cat that can easily mesh into most families, this breed is perfect for you.

Are Burmese cats expensive?

Burmese cats are expensive. On average the cost of these cats is around $ 600 to $ 1,000.

Are Burmese cats noisy?

Burmese cats are very verbal and can sometimes seem like they are talking to you.

Why do Burmese cats live longer?

Burmese cats have a fairly long life expectation amongst other purebred cats, conditional on many factors, such as genetics, health, regular veterinary care, neutered or spayed status, lifestyle, body weight, and others.


If you want to know about Ragdoll Cat, then click here. 

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As a cherished voice on BlogPawz, Asif shares invaluable insights, tips, and tales, weaving together a community united by their love for our four-legged companions. Join Asif in celebrating the bond between humans and pets, one story at a time.

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